After a brief summer vacation, the Butterflies are back with our monthly blog hop & new inspiration! This month we teamed up with NattArida Smith, the lovely talented lady of Skipping5. If you haven't had the chance to check out her shop, you're in for a treat-- adorable puffy stickers, flair & stunning journaling cards are just a few of the items available HERE. What better way to check out a new shop than with a discount -- all our Social [Media] Butterflies readers will get 15% OFF by entering the code SMB15 at checkout!
To get you inspired, and show off her shop goodies, let's get on with the blog hop! Here's today's order:
Kristin T:
We hope you love our projects, and enjoy hopping along & leaving some love! TWO lucky commenters will receive four sheets of puffy stickers, which we will announce on Tuesday, September 3rd. You'll have the entire holiday weekend to get through all the blogs & share with your friends! Good luck and thanks again for joining us!
Thursday, August 29, 2013
Thursday, August 1, 2013
Totally casual + I'm back
For my back post I decided to share with you an outfit, the look I choose for my first afternoon as a "free woman", nothing so complicated or special, just a comfy look for an afternoon walk with a touch of fluo and my beloved american flag top as a hymn to my regained freedom.
I hope you like the pictures...I missed you all so mutch, lot of love!
PS. Let me know what you think of my new hair color!!!
SONO TORNATA. Proprio così dopo un lunghissimo mese rieccomi qui..mi è mancato tantissimo il mio angolino di web, il vostro affetto i vostri commenti...é stato un mese davvero intenso interamente impegnato dai miei esami universitari (ne mancano davvero pochi adesso) e adesso sono felicissima di essere tornata a postare qui sul blog.
Per il mio ritorno ho scelto di mostrarvi un outfit, quello del mio primo pomeriggio da "donna libera", nulla di troppo studiato o troppo particolare ,un look comodo per una semplice passeggiata con qualche tocco fluo e il mio amato top american flag come inno alla mia riconquistata libertà.
Spero che le foto vi piacciono...mi siete mancati tantissimo, un mega bacio a tutti!
Ah fatemi sapere cosa ne pensate del mio nuovo colore di capelli!!
I was wear:
shorts BERSHKA
sandals CRIS TIN
sunnies FIRMOO
necklace BERSHKA
bag (no brend)
american flag,
Deborah D,
fashion blog,
fashion review,
I'm back,
my look,
my style,
Tuesday, July 16, 2013
How to Measure Social ROI
Social media is evolving at an incredible pace, and - let’s face it - many marketers are still finding it difficult to measure what matters. What should we be paying attention to after we post, promote, tweet and pin? How should we do it?
As our Google colleague and digital marketing evangelist Avinash Kaushik says, you’ve got to be able to answer the big “so what” of social:
“Did you grab attention? Did you cause people to take an action? Did your participation deliver economic value?...Social media participation, done right, adds value to the company's bottom-line. Some of its benefit can’t be computed. That is okay. But some of it can be and it is your duty to quantify that.”
Earlier this summer we announced that Wildfire products would be integrated with DoubleClick Digital Marketing. Today we’re happy to share that two Wildfire integrations are available with Google Tag Manager and Google Analytics. These integrations are part of our vision for helping you better measure how social works alongside all your other digital channels, and how social can drive real business results.
1. Measure your ROI from social with Google Analytics
If you use Google Analytics (GA) to measure activity on your websites, our new GA integration will allow you to zero in on the bottom of the marketing funnel – i.e. what happens when someone hits your website after clicking on a social link.
For the first time, you can understand which social posts and pages are driving website conversions without huge amounts of manual time and labor.
When you direct someone to your website from a social post on Google+, Facebook or Twitter, or from a social landing page, Wildfire will automatically add tracking links and allow you to view all conversion metrics in Google Analytics.
For example, in a GA Campaigns Report, you’ll be able to see a breakdown of metrics - time on site, revenue, clicks, etc. - for each social page and post. This level of integration is unique to Wildfire.
2. See how your customers interact with social on the path to conversion with Google Tag Manager
Social used to be a black box. If your customer saw one of your social landing pages at some point, it likely wouldn’t be credited as part of the customer’s path to purchase. Until now! Wildfire’s new integration with Google Tag Manager (GTM) gives you a full picture of how social fits into your customer’s journey without the expense and hassle of manual tracking and tagging.
Google Tag Manager is a free product that allows you (and your agency and website team) to easily tag content across any of your domains and websites. We’ve integrated with GTM so that in one step, you can automatically add GTM code to all your Wildfire campaign landing pages--sign up, sweeps and coupon forms. You can also tag ads related to those specific campaigns, allowing you a full view of how customers move from ads to social landing pages to your website.
This works for both Google and non-Google tags and will give you tremendous insights in one place:
Much of the value your brand gets from social media comes from having a place where you can have a two-way, engaging conversation with customers. Yet showing how social delivers real business value will get you permission, and the budget, to do more of that brand and relationship building.
Digital marketers are only just beginning to realize the true potential of social, and with these new integrations Wildfire by Google is working to help you take social from siloed to integrated…from nebulous to concrete. We invite you to join us in our quest to better measure social’s impact on customer interactions, web visits, ad effectiveness and ultimately revenue.
Learn more about measuring social with Wildfire’s Google Analytics and Google Tag Manager integrations here.
As our Google colleague and digital marketing evangelist Avinash Kaushik says, you’ve got to be able to answer the big “so what” of social:
“Did you grab attention? Did you cause people to take an action? Did your participation deliver economic value?...Social media participation, done right, adds value to the company's bottom-line. Some of its benefit can’t be computed. That is okay. But some of it can be and it is your duty to quantify that.”
Earlier this summer we announced that Wildfire products would be integrated with DoubleClick Digital Marketing. Today we’re happy to share that two Wildfire integrations are available with Google Tag Manager and Google Analytics. These integrations are part of our vision for helping you better measure how social works alongside all your other digital channels, and how social can drive real business results.
1. Measure your ROI from social with Google Analytics
If you use Google Analytics (GA) to measure activity on your websites, our new GA integration will allow you to zero in on the bottom of the marketing funnel – i.e. what happens when someone hits your website after clicking on a social link.
For the first time, you can understand which social posts and pages are driving website conversions without huge amounts of manual time and labor.
When you direct someone to your website from a social post on Google+, Facebook or Twitter, or from a social landing page, Wildfire will automatically add tracking links and allow you to view all conversion metrics in Google Analytics.
For example, in a GA Campaigns Report, you’ll be able to see a breakdown of metrics - time on site, revenue, clicks, etc. - for each social page and post. This level of integration is unique to Wildfire.
2. See how your customers interact with social on the path to conversion with Google Tag Manager
Social used to be a black box. If your customer saw one of your social landing pages at some point, it likely wouldn’t be credited as part of the customer’s path to purchase. Until now! Wildfire’s new integration with Google Tag Manager (GTM) gives you a full picture of how social fits into your customer’s journey without the expense and hassle of manual tracking and tagging.
Google Tag Manager is a free product that allows you (and your agency and website team) to easily tag content across any of your domains and websites. We’ve integrated with GTM so that in one step, you can automatically add GTM code to all your Wildfire campaign landing pages--sign up, sweeps and coupon forms. You can also tag ads related to those specific campaigns, allowing you a full view of how customers move from ads to social landing pages to your website.
This works for both Google and non-Google tags and will give you tremendous insights in one place:
- First, it can help you spend your ad dollars more wisely: If you send users from a digital or social ad to a Wildfire-built landing page, you can easily track which ads were most effective in driving the most social conversions, such as coupon downloads, sign-ups and sweepstakes entries.
- Second, you can view the full customer journey: For example, you can see if customers who started in social vs. display generated more revenue, or if social ads directing customers to a landing page were more effective in driving conversions than mobile ads sending customers straight to your website. The possibilities are almost endless.
- Third, you can compare the effectiveness of organic vs. paid content: See if users who landed on your social page organically (from a brand post or user share) lead to more revenue or social conversions than those who came from paid ads.
Much of the value your brand gets from social media comes from having a place where you can have a two-way, engaging conversation with customers. Yet showing how social delivers real business value will get you permission, and the budget, to do more of that brand and relationship building.
Digital marketers are only just beginning to realize the true potential of social, and with these new integrations Wildfire by Google is working to help you take social from siloed to integrated…from nebulous to concrete. We invite you to join us in our quest to better measure social’s impact on customer interactions, web visits, ad effectiveness and ultimately revenue.
Learn more about measuring social with Wildfire’s Google Analytics and Google Tag Manager integrations here.
Monday, July 15, 2013
Wildfire goes social all summer long
Summer offers some awesome opportunities to connect and have fun with your social community. But with vacations, holidays and the swimming pool calling your name, it can be tough to find the time. Never fear. We put together a Summer Social Calendar that makes it quick and easy for you to stay on track.
Every day in July, we’ll be serving up a social best practice, strategy video, trivia nugget, insightful stat, social platform tip, or special surprise to keep you in the summertime spirit and inspired with new ideas. We even have a schedule of recurring themes so you can get excited:

After you visit our July calendar, be sure to check out our 12 Months of Social campaign to see how flexible and reusable our templates can be. We built both campaigns using our Daily Reveal Calendar template, but the two experiences are totally unique.
What do you think? Excited about learning something new everyday? Tell us in the comments!
Every day in July, we’ll be serving up a social best practice, strategy video, trivia nugget, insightful stat, social platform tip, or special surprise to keep you in the summertime spirit and inspired with new ideas. We even have a schedule of recurring themes so you can get excited:

- Messaging Monday, featuring weekly advice and strategies for crafting compelling messages so your fans and followers are moved to engage and take action
- Template Tuesday, featuring a Wildfire template and ideas for how to creatively incorporate it into your social media plan
- Watch Wednesday, featuring a never-before-seen video interview with one of our social experts discuss a topic all marketers are wondering about
- Throwback Thursday, featuring a look at a “historical” fact about social media— though our industry is young, we have some rich history to save for the trivia books!
- Fun Fact Friday, featuring, you guessed it, a fun fact you can amuse your colleagues with
- STATurday, featuring a weekly, can’t-miss, social media marketing statistic or research insight
- Sunday Social, featuring notable thought leadership on each of the major social network platforms and how to harness the opportunities for your brand on each
After you visit our July calendar, be sure to check out our 12 Months of Social campaign to see how flexible and reusable our templates can be. We built both campaigns using our Daily Reveal Calendar template, but the two experiences are totally unique.
What do you think? Excited about learning something new everyday? Tell us in the comments!
Sunday, July 7, 2013
A sunny day in red and denim
OUTFIT.I've already said in this post that I love the combination of denim and red, and so last weekend I'm back to wear it. Alcott denim shirt, my red dress Forever 21, you've seen here, this time worn as a skirt and
my favorite shoes from Asos.
I hope you like the look...have a nice week!
OUTFIT. Vi avevo già detto in questo post che adoro la combinazione denim e rosso, e così lo scorso fine settimana sono tornata ad indossarla. Camicia denim Alcott ,il mio vestito rosso di Forever21, che avete visto qui, stavolta indossato come gonna e le mie scarpe preferite di Asos.
Spero che il look vi piaccia...buona settimana!
my favorite shoes from Asos.
I hope you like the look...have a nice week!
OUTFIT. Vi avevo già detto in questo post che adoro la combinazione denim e rosso, e così lo scorso fine settimana sono tornata ad indossarla. Camicia denim Alcott ,il mio vestito rosso di Forever21, che avete visto qui, stavolta indossato come gonna e le mie scarpe preferite di Asos.
Spero che il look vi piaccia...buona settimana!
I was wear:
shirt ALCOTT
dress (worn as a skirt) FOREVER21
shoes ASOS
Tuesday, July 2, 2013
Oh summer...inspirations!
WHERE ARE YOU? Is what everyone is asking here in Italy about summer.
And here I am in a weird July evening writing you wearing my big sweatshirt, on a night that has the flavor of the worst springs, those rainy and cold days that make you dream of the tropical heat which, unfortunately, continues to be a mirage. It seems that the summer has decided to go on vacation in our place, so I
enchanted in front of images that smell of warm sea and sunshine almost to comfort me because if I move a little more my eyes from the computer I find my beloved books that will keep me company for the entire month...I leave you with these images and I wish happy holiday for those have already found a little bit of summer and is on vacation, and good daydreams to people like me is stuck in this limbo craving one unique, warm sunshine.
Bye everyone!
DOVE SEI? E' la domanda che penso tutti ci stiamo facendo qui in italia già da un pò riguardo all'estate.
E io sono qui una sera di luglio a scrivervi con indosso la mia felpona, in una serata che ha il sapore delle peggiori primavere quelle piovose e fredde che ti fanno sognare il caldo tropicale che purtroppo, continua ad essere un miraggio. Sembra proprio che la bella stagione abbia deciso di andarsene in vacanza al posto nostro, così mi incanto di fronte ad immagini che profumano di mare caldo e sole quasi a consolarmi perchè se sposto lo sguardo un pò più in la del mio pc trovo gli "adoratissimi" manuali che mi faranno compagnia ancora per tutto il mese...Vi lascio a queste immagini e auguro buona vacanza ai fortunati che un pò di estate l'han già trovata e sono in vacanza, e buoni sogni ad occhi aperti a chi come me rimane bloccato in questo limbo bramando un solo unico, caldo raggio di sole.
Ciao a tutti!
And here I am in a weird July evening writing you wearing my big sweatshirt, on a night that has the flavor of the worst springs, those rainy and cold days that make you dream of the tropical heat which, unfortunately, continues to be a mirage. It seems that the summer has decided to go on vacation in our place, so I
enchanted in front of images that smell of warm sea and sunshine almost to comfort me because if I move a little more my eyes from the computer I find my beloved books that will keep me company for the entire month...I leave you with these images and I wish happy holiday for those have already found a little bit of summer and is on vacation, and good daydreams to people like me is stuck in this limbo craving one unique, warm sunshine.
Bye everyone!
DOVE SEI? E' la domanda che penso tutti ci stiamo facendo qui in italia già da un pò riguardo all'estate.
E io sono qui una sera di luglio a scrivervi con indosso la mia felpona, in una serata che ha il sapore delle peggiori primavere quelle piovose e fredde che ti fanno sognare il caldo tropicale che purtroppo, continua ad essere un miraggio. Sembra proprio che la bella stagione abbia deciso di andarsene in vacanza al posto nostro, così mi incanto di fronte ad immagini che profumano di mare caldo e sole quasi a consolarmi perchè se sposto lo sguardo un pò più in la del mio pc trovo gli "adoratissimi" manuali che mi faranno compagnia ancora per tutto il mese...Vi lascio a queste immagini e auguro buona vacanza ai fortunati che un pò di estate l'han già trovata e sono in vacanza, e buoni sogni ad occhi aperti a chi come me rimane bloccato in questo limbo bramando un solo unico, caldo raggio di sole.
Ciao a tutti!
Deborah D,
fashio blogger,
fashion review,
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