Wednesday, May 29, 2013

#SMBiGbloghop with Liz Tamanaha

Helllllllo blog hoppers! This month the Social [Media] Butterflies are here to kick off our first digital blog hop with Liz Tamanaha, who designs gorgeous products & templates as Paislee Press, and who you'll also recognize as the minimalist genius behind the Midnight edition of Project Life! If you haven't seen here work, head HERE to get started on our blog hop & check out her work!

If you get lost along the way, you can always come back here, this will be the rest of the order for you:





Kristin T




Kristin D





We are giving away a $25 credit to the Paisless Press shop to one lucky blog hopper, make sure you comment along the way & tell us what you love for your chances! Winner will be announced here on the blog, Monday June 3rd! Good luck & thanks for joining us!

Monday, May 27, 2013

Owl mania

OWL. I think everyone of us has a favorite symbol, a print, a icon...For me they are the owls, I love them and every time I find owl clothes or accessories I can't do anithing but buy them, I love them madly.
My last new entry in terms of owls is this bangle taken on clothingloves ( on clothingloves you can find also wolesale clothing, wolesale women's clothing and wolesale women's shirt..)
Now I'm looking for an owl watch..Who wants help me to find it?

GUFI. Credo che ognuno di noi abbia un simbolo preferito, una stampa, una fantasia...Per me sono i gufi, li adoro e ogni volta che trovo vestiti o accessori gufosi non posso fare a meno che comprarli, li amo alla follia.
La mia ultima new in in fatto di gufi è stata questa bangle presa su clothingloves (su questo sito di abbigliamento potete trovare molte cose carine come camicie vestiti ecc..).
Adesso sono alla ricerca di un orologio con gufo...Chi mi aiuta a trovarlo!?

Monday, May 20, 2013

Join the live stream of thinkDoubleClick 2013

Wildfire invites you to join Google and top agencies, advertisers and publishers for the annual thinkDoubleClick event. thinkDoubleClick, formerly known as DoubleClick Insights, is an annual meeting of senior executives from agencies, advertisers and publishers to discuss industry trends and the state of the digital marketing ecosystem. Watch live on YouTube as digital media visionaries from some of the world’s most influential companies engage in spirited and eye-opening conversations about:

  • Cutting edge digital trends that are having an instant impact on today’s business

  • How brands are incorporating social into the marketing mix, and the ongoing debate over the value and best practices of paid, owned and earned media

  • Innovative technologies that are changing the way advertisers use video and mobile in cross-channel campaigns.

Join the conversation in real time on DoubleClick’s YouTube channel or post your comments on Twitter with the mention of @DoubleClick and the hashtag #thinkDCLK. Be part of one of the most important marketing forums of the year, so register now.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Beauty tips #1: Cellulite my solution!

GET READY FOR SUMMER.Here I am again after another period of absence...I decided that from from now on every now and then I will speak of my beauty routine, products I try and that gives good results and therefore would also recommend to you, and since we are preparing for the summer why not start with something that helped me to defeat the enemy number one of the swimsuit test...Oh and I promise you, it works!
Hands up who has never been found to deal with cellulite and water retention, oh yes you are indeed a few lucky girls, but for us mere mortals  than during the winter accumulate somefat here and there I'm happy to announce that there is a miraculous method (mine) that can really help you.
Since a few weeks I'm using rigorously together the two products you see in the picture and I had amazing results. (try to believe)

PREPARARSI ALL'ESTATE.Eccomi di nuovo dopo un altro periodo di assenza...Ho deciso che da ora in poi di tanto in tanto vi parlerò della mia routine beauty dei prodotti che provo e che danno buoni risultati e che di conseguenza consiglierei anche a voi, e visto che ci stiamo preparando all'estate perchè non iniziare con qualcosa che mi ha aiutato a sconfiggere il nemico numero uno della prova costume...e ve lo assicuro, funziona!
Alzi la mano chi non si è mai trovata a fare i conti con cellulite o ritenzione idrica, eh si siete davvero poche fortunelle,ma per noi altre comuni mortali che durante l'inverno accumuliamo qualche cuscinetto qua e la sono felice di comunicarvi che esiste un metodo miracoloso (il mio) che potrà davvero aiutarvi. 
Da qualche settimana sto usando rigorosamente insieme i  due prodotti che vedete in foto e ho notato risultati incredibili (provare per credere)
Sugar scrub LUSH. This scrub is the first part of my anti cellulite routine and it serves to receive bestthe real treatment, which is the cream that I will show you below. Just finished the shower with still wet skin,you should rub over the entire length of the legs from the ankles to the buttocks (not too vigorously otherwise leaves very deep scratches that will not go away for weeks) this will leave on your skin a kind of creamy sauce that then you should massage with your hands and then rinse.
Once you have finished you will feel the skin pinch sign that the product has done its job microcirculation is activated at best and your skin is finally ready to receive the next treatment...
Questione di peeling LUSH. Questo grattino è la prima parte della mia routine anti cellulite e serve a ricevere al meglio il trattamento vero e proprio che è la crema che vi mostrerò qui di seguito. Appena finita la doccia con la pelle ancora bagnata bisogna strofinarlo su tutta la lunghezza delle gambe, dalle caviglie ai glutei (non troppo energicamente altrimenti lascerà dei graffi  molto profondi che non andranno via  per settimane) questa operazione lascerà sulla pelle una specie di cremina che io massaggio poi con le mani e infine risciaquo. Una volta finito sentirete la pelle che pizzica segno il prodotto ha fatto il suo lavoro la microcircolazione è attivata al meglio e la vostra pelle è finalmente pronta a ricevere il trattamento successivo...

Defence body anti cellulite BONIKE. At this point I think we can use any anti-cellulite cream but my advice is to invest in a good treatment, if I spend 5 euro I can't expect results visible with  naked eye!! I will speak in particular of this treatment because it is what I have personally tried and which I think the more valid than those used so far. Well there is not much to explain here I apply a moderate amount of cream into the palm the hand and then I massage vigorously, this cream smells terrible but the results will pay off the "toxic fumes" and causes a tingling on the skin rather nagging, even this sign that is doing its job.
Well this was my 'miracle method', for me it really works but like all things it must be used constantly every day, and this still does not mean that you can binge of fries and then save yourselves with a scrub and a cream, if you're fighting this insidious enemy drink plenty of water and eat lots of fruits and vegetables...
Let me know if you also have a method such as anti-cellulite, which products you use or have used and what results have or have given.

Defence body anticellulite BIONIKE. A questo punto penso si possa usare una qualsiasi crema anticellulite ma il mio consiglio è quello di investire in un buon trattamento, se spendo 5 euro non posso certo pretendere che i risultati si vedano ad occhio nudo!! Vi parlerò in particolare di questo trattamento perchè è quello che io ho personalmente provato e che ritengo il più valido di quelli usati finora. Beh qui non c'è molto da speigare applico una quantità moderata di crema sul palmo della mano e poi massaggio energicamente, questa crema puzza terribilmente ma i risultati ripagheranno delle "esalazioni tossiche" e provoca un pizzicorio sulla pelle alquanto fastidioso,anche questo segno che sta svolgendo il proprio lavoro.
Beh questo era il mio 'metodo miracoloso', per me funziona davvero ma come tutte le cose deve essere usato con costanza tutti i giorni, e questo comunque non vuol dire che ci si può abbuffare di patatine fritte e poi farsi salvare da uno scrub e una crema,se state combattendo questo insidioso nemico bevete molta acqua e mangiate tanta frutta e verdura... 
Fatemi sapere se anche voi ne avete uno quali prodotti usate o avete usato e che risultati hanno o hanno dato.


Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Wildfire by Google - Enterprise-class social marketing

Remember the day your company created a handful of social accounts to “see how this social thing worked?” And when you realized you should also be creating custom content for each of your brands and regions? And how about when you moved beyond PTAT and +1’s and started talking leads and sales instead?

In less time than it took Psy to topple Justin Bieber, social marketing has transitioned from being managed by a “lone wolf” with little oversight, to becoming a core part of every marketing campaign. As we’ve seen, the opportunities to increase sales, extend your reach and be more relevant to your customers on social are enormous, but so is the complexity. The average enterprise brand has almost a dozen people working on their social media alone, and over 170 social properties (Altimeter). We have many clients managing large teams of globally distributed users across hundreds or even thousands of social properties. It can be overwhelming, inefficient and risky to build your brand on social without a technology platform that unites your social marketing across activities, teams and properties. That’s where we can help, with Wildfire Social Marketing for Enterprises.

Though you may best know us as one of the pioneers in Facebook social promotions, we've undergone a significant transformation since early 2011. We’ve been busy building an enterprise-class Social Marketing Suite that serves some of the largest brands in the world  -- 31 out of the top 50 global brands, to be precise. We’ve always built our product for the largest and most sophisticated marketers, and now as part of Google, we’re more agile, more secure, more scalable and more global than ever before.

The Wildfire Social Marketing Suite has all the integrated tools you need (Ads, Pages, Promotions, Analytics and Messages) to find new customers, build your brand and drive revenues on social. Underlying these tools are a set of governance, collaboration, reporting and support capabilities that we’ve specifically created for today’s social-ized global enterprise.

Governance and Compliance

  • Custom teams : A flexible and customizable role-based approach to creating custom work groups. Your users can be part of multiple teams, with different levels of access per team

  • Custom workflows : Automated approval processes so that the right people in your organization approve every post

  • Rules-based post moderation : Pre-defined rules automatically trigger an action (such as flagging, deletion or routing) when certain words are posted on your social properties by your consumers

  • Audit logs: Records all your users’ activities within your organization to track back unauthorized or compromising behavior

Collaboration and Efficiency

  • Batch uploader : Allows efficient collaboration on, and scheduling, of all upcoming messages in a shared spreadsheet, which can be uploaded at once for instant scheduling

  • Central messages calendar : A shared calendar for all your brand’s users and teams to see which messages are scheduled to be sent. View by social property and by originating team (i.e. the ACME brand team)

  • Keyword filtering and auto-routing : Scales your marketing and customer service teams by auto-routing incoming messages based on keywords. If someone’s crying for help, get them to customer service pronto. If someone’s making a product recommendation, get that to your development team without having to manually route it.

Custom Reporting

  • Role-specific editable reports : Enables customization of your reporting for any member of your organization - easily create high level aggregate reporting for your VP of Marketing, or let each of your social managers drill down to the details to see property or campaign level performance.

  • Strategic Advice

  • Customized account strategy : We’ve worked with thousands of clients - more than any other vendor - and we put that experience to good use every day. We go beyond advising on individual campaigns (although we think we do that pretty well). We’ll work with your team on an ongoing basis to implement an organizational structure, messaging strategy and integrated marketing plan that supports your business goals.

Social marketing is serious business, but that doesn’t mean it can’t also be fun. With Wildfire’s technology and support, we’ll do the heavy lifting for your enterprise so you can focus on creating authentic connections with your customers, and providing real value for your brand. 

Download our white paper to find out more, or give us a call . We’d love to talk.

#CincodeMaya celebrates social media marketing all month long!

Great social media marketing never stops, and neither do all the learning and best practice tips you can pick up about it. This month, we’re embracing education with a little celebration...of Cinco de Mayo, with a Wildfire twist.

If you’re scratching your head about something social, we can help. Ask us your most perplexing questions, and every Friday in May our resident social marketing expert, Maya Grinberg, will post a new video answering one of the top five. Five Fridays. Five videos. Cinco de Maya!

Submit your questions here, maybe yours will be one of the chosen inquiries that gets a follow up video next week!

We built this campaign using our Social Gallery template, which is designed to make it super simple to engage with fans and followers. You can use it to post videos and do Q&As with customers in real time.

Want to see more ways you can keep your social going strong all year round? Check out our 12 Months of Social for new ideas every month.

Wildfire explores the "New Normal" at iStrategy Miami conference

One of the best parts of being a social marketing technology provider and thought leader is hearing what’s on the mind of our customers, partners and other marketing professionals. Last week, we traveled to Miami, Florida for iStrategy’s latest Global Digital Marketing Conference, a gathering of more than 350 senior brand marketers to discuss the latest innovations in digital and social marketing technology and strategy.

During the conference, Wildfire spoke about how the digital-social revolution has delivered to us a “New Normal,” where technology has empowered consumers by giving them access to information. This phenomenon has fundamentally changed how brands drive value from marketing, and was frequently discussed throughout the conference.

The New Normal has been driven in large part by Generation C, an emerging class of consumers who demonstrate core behaviors that begin with the letter C: they are connected, and constantly curating and creating content. These consumers’ voices are more powerful than ever before; they decide who and what they trust -- and as a result, they are in control of the conversation around your brand.

 Brands that are successful in the New Normal use social and digital to create interactive experiences and transform their businesses. Here are three key concepts Wildfire presented at iStrategy to help you do that:

  1. Ditch the pitch. Connected consumers are savvy: because information is always at their fingertips, they don’t care if your brand is better, faster, cheaper or stronger. They aren’t interested in a sales pitch, they are interested in what is interesting to them: “I’ll be interested if you are interesting.”

  1. Pique Generation C’s interest by building a social strategy that shows your brand is listening to their needs, wants, expectations and preferences. Gen C is interested in brand experiences that they relate to, connect with and believe in. Your job, then, is to understand your audience’s passions, preferences and desires; then create experiences around your brand and mission that demonstrate these things.

  1. Execute your strategy with an orchestrated approach to reach connected consumers on multiple screens and multiple social networks. In today’s always-on, multi-screen world, people consume your content in many ways and from many devices. Whether it’s a retail store, website, YouTube Brand Channel, Pinterest page, or on a tablet, PC or smartphone, you must be where your consumers are. Your digital-social strategy should incorporate all channels and networks to engage your consumers wherever they are, on whatever screen they’re on.

Mike Nabasny, Wildfire’s Head of Midwest Sales, talks about engaging Generation C.

Procter & Gamble is an example of a brand that’s been wildly successful at applying these concepts and connecting with its portion of of the Gen C audience. About a year ago, P&G launched its “Thank You, Mom” campaign in conjunction with its sponsorship of the London Olympics.

The campaign included 35 P&G brands sponsoring 150 Olympic athletes, and the effort was tied around interactive content on YouTube, Facebook, Google+, Twitter and Pinterest. It was one of the most ambitious integrated marketing campaigns to date.

In an interview with AdAge last summer, P&G’s Global Brand Building Officer, Mark Pritchard, estimated that the company would bring in $500 million in incremental revenue as a result of the “Thank You, Mom.” The campaign also deepened P&G’s connection with millions of social followers; it was so popular with Facebook fans, in fact, that it spawned its own Facebook page. “Thank You, Mom” continues to provide a significant source of social engagement for P&G’s brand.

How are you engaging consumers in the New Normal? Leave us a note about your strategy below. We love to hear from you!

The Wildfire Team


Friday, May 10, 2013

Magico shopping, magico sconto! + My weekend wishlist

SCONTI. Ciao a tutti, oggi inizia il week end, (non per me,sto ancora studiando) e come tutti voi ormai sapete mi piace iniziare il fine settimana scaricando tutta la tensione accumulata con del sano shopping online,e lo shopping si sa è più bello se per farlo abbiamo a disposizione degli sconti..
A tal proposito oggi vi presento un sito dove potrete trovare codici sconto per tutte le categorie di shopping: moda,bellezza,elettronica viaggi e molto altro!
Utilizzare i coupon è facile,una volta sul sito selezionate il negozio on line dove farete acquisti e in seguito scegliete il coupon che più vi interessa, infine cliccate su mostra codice e incollate quest'ultimo nell'apposita sezione al momento del check out, et voilà il gioco è fatto!
Io ad esempio oggi ho puntato i codici sconto Zalando, li trovate qui e ho adocchiato anche una serie di pezzi interessanti che mi piacerebbe acquistare e che vi mostro qui di seguito...Fatemi sapere cosa ne pensate e buono shopping con Magico sconto!!


The list:
Dress Mint&berry 35
Pants 0039 Italy 130
Sandals A.McQueen 450
Bag Even&Odd 24
Top Mint&berry 25
Top Mint&berry 30

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Some New in

NEW STUFF.After showing you my wishlist of the week I thought to show you some of my recent new purchases made ​​mostly from Bershka and from Asos.
You already seen the shoes here, but the rest is unpublished even if I hope to wear some of these pieces
soon in the next outfits.
Soon there will be a lot of news, have a nice day!

NEW STUFF. Dopo avervi mostrato la mia lista dei desideri della settimana ho pensato di farvi vedere anche alcuni dei miei ultimi nuovi acquisti fatti per lo più da Bershka e da Asos...
Le scarpe le avete gia viste qui, il resto invece è inedito ma spero di indossare presto alcuni di questi pezzi nei prossimi  outfit.
Presto ci saranno tante novità, buona giornata!


Ok la giacca è davvero stropicciata (non dovevo infilarla in lavatrice :S) ma vi assicuro che una volta stirata è davvero bella / Ok maybe the blazer is a little wrinkled (damn washing machine) but once ironed it's super duper cute!

Avevo davvero bisogno di un modo per organizzare i bijoux, questo lo trovo semplicemente perfetto..almeno fin quando non sarà pieno / I just needed a new jewelry holder and this from ASOS is really perfect!

Friday, May 3, 2013

My (weekend) wishlist vol 4

WEEKEND.Hello dear here we are at "the second weekend of the week" how doyou spend it? I will live two exciting dayswith the company of my books, exams again, and so as always in the study breaks I find myself  to wander in the various online shops...These are my wishes of the week,What are yours? 
I hope that yours will be a really good weekend

WEEKEND. Buongiorno cari,eccoci qua al "secondo weekend della settimana" come lo passerete? Io vivrò due entusiasmanti giornate  in compagnia dei miei libri, sono di nuovo sotto esame, e così nelle pause studio mi ritrovo come sempre a girovagare nei vari negozi on line...questi i miei desideri della settimana.Quali sono i vostri?
Spero che il vostro sia davvero un buon weekend

1.The bridge Shoulder bag  203
2.Cloé eau de parfum  56
3.Clarins Rouge prodige 19,90
4.Mango scarf   17,99
5.Sheinside necklace  9,98
6.Marc Jacobs mouse flats 248
7.Forever21 floral baseball cap  8,90
8.Victoria secret bustier bra  36
9.Moschino wallet  182
10.Topshop sunglasses  21


blogapalooza: WINNERS!

First off, I want to thank EACH and every one of you who stopped by our blog hop this week, wether you just looked at your favorites members of the hop, or completed the entire thing. I hope you enjoyed your amazing freebies, and were truly inspired by these girls-- I know I had a BLAST participating and working with Chic Tags to make it happen. Girls, you all know I heart you, and I think each of you are beautiful and talented, I am so lucky to get to work with great artists everyday!

& I know you've all been waiting to hear who the lucky winners are, so here you go:

$35 gift certificates to Chic Tags:
butterfly843 & Jasmine Ko & Krulik-Anna

Birthday Wishes collection:

Everyday Life II collection:
Jessica Dougherty

Road Trip collection:
Claire T

           GRAND PRIZE: Congrats to MONICA JORDAN!

[Each winner will need to send an e-mail to me at with the subject blogapalooza winner, with your mailing address, so we can get you your prize! Thank you so much, congratulations!]

If you haven't gotten to check it out, start here at the Chic Tags blog to hop along! We want to say how much we appreciate each and every comment that was left, and all the love you gave us xoxo

Since National Scrapbook Day is tomorrow, we want you to get a head start, and start shopping-- Chic Tags is having a SALE, so watch for details-- you DON'T want to miss this!!!!!